World Menopause Day 18 October 2023

World Menopause Day is held every year on the 18th of October and aims to raise awareness of the menopause and support options available for improving health and wellbeing. Research by the Government Equalities Office into the impact of the menopause published in 2017 (Menopause transition: effects on women’s economic participation) concluded that unlike pregnancy or maternity, the menopause is not well understood or provided for in workplace cultures, policies and training. This lack of understanding overlooks the clear business case for supporting older women to remain in the workplace, around issues such as retaining skills, impacting the gender pay gap and reducing business costs and risks.

The Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC) report on Menopause and Employment revealed that we have close to 4 million women aged 45-55 in work in the UK – a rapidly increasing population – meaning there are few workplaces where the menopause is not being experienced by staff. Furthermore, the report highlighted that there are more than 30 physical and mental conditions that may be caused by menopause transition. A lack of awareness and treatment are negatively affecting UK workforce productivity. More organisations have been introducing menopause guidance, policies and support. A CIPD poll in 2019, of almost 500 members, showed that just 9% of organisations were providing dedicated menopause support – the good news is that a repeat poll in April 2021 showed the figure is now almost a quarter, 24%. Having a menopause policy can help everyone in the organisation understand what the menopause is, how it can affect people, how it affects everyone differently and what support is available to staff experiencing the menopause transition. CIPD have also produced useful guides The menopause at work: A guide for people professionals | CIPD and Menopause resources | CIPD providing recommendations and advice on how to apply good practice in the workplace.

Key recommendations from the REC report suggest launching a collaborative and government-backed employer-led campaign, working in conjunction with the Menopause Ambassador, covering:

  1. The importance of open conversations about the menopause in the workplace to help break down the taboo and normalise the issue;
  2. The importance of training line managers, acknowledging all people are affected by the menopause in different ways; and where to signpost for further help (OH, GP, etc.);
  3. The importance of awareness-raising and action to combat bias and harassment;
  4. The need for workplace adjustments in addition to flexible working;
  5. The value of support groups and specialist support;
  6. Sick leave policy/procedure; g. Performance management;
  7. Flexible working rights; and i. Returner programmes to include and highlight post-menopausal opportunities as well as post-maternity.

Employers have a duty of care for employees’ health and wellbeing and not to discriminate directly or indirectly on the grounds of sex, age, or disability. The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) have provided useful guidance on Managing the effects of the menopause: Menopause at work - Acas and recommend employers should review health, safety and wellbeing policies to make sure they cover any links with the menopause.

On 18th October 2023, the British Menopause Society will be launching a news-style programme produced in partnership with ITN Business called ‘Menopause: Misinformation and management’ hosted by Louise Minchin. This programme will be talking to British Menopause Society medical professionals to dispel menopause misinformation, talking to businesses about best-practice menopause policies and providing information and practical menopause advice for younger women (World Menopause Day 2023 - British Menopause Society (

The menopause is a key workplace issue and organisations should be creating more menopause-friendly workplaces to ensure that all those experiencing the menopause transition have the support they need and the opportunity to thrive in workplaces and in society as a whole.


Lizzy Turek

Client Research Associate

World Menopause Day 18 October 2023