BBFC launches new Classification Guidelines reflecting shifts in public opinion towards violence, drug use, sex and use of language
Thursday, 21 March 2024
Thewlis Graham Associates are delighted to have recently assisted the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) with their assignments, including the recruitment of their President and non-executive board members. We applaud the BBFC for their latest research findings and their highly-trusted standards.
The BBFC has published its new Classification Guidelines, informed by its largest-ever public consultation. Throughout 2023, the BBFC spoke to 12,000 people across the UK to explore what matters most to audiences when it comes to classification.
The new research offers valuable insights into the evolving perspectives and expectations of parents and caregivers, grandparents, educators, and young people. The findings support that the BBFC and its iconic age rating symbols are highly trusted, well recognised and valued by audiences across the UK.
To help parents facilitate important conversations and help increase awareness, the BBFC has created a collection of BBFC Guides that focus on various classification areas such as discrimination, drugs, and sex. Each bite-sized guide provides an overview of how the BBFC classifies different issues, what they mean at each age rating, and a collection of film case studies.
To find out more, visit the BBFC website and read On-screen violence is of increased concern for UK audiences | BBFC